Thursday, 12.12.2024
04:00 PM to 06:00 PM
International Students

Time Management

Effective time management is the key to successful studies and a stress-free daily life. Our workshop "Time Management" provides you with the essential techniques and strategies to make the most of your time and work more productively. In the workshop, you will learn proven methods such as the ALPEN method to create realistic schedules and set priorities. You will discover how to identify and eliminate so-called "time thieves" to better focus on your essential tasks. Using the Pareto Principle and the Eisenhower Principle, we will show you how to categorize tasks by their importance and urgency to work more efficiently. In addition to time management, the workshop also covers techniques to improve your study management. You will receive practical tips and tricks on how to optimally plan your study times, create a productive workspace, and maintain your motivation. Furthermore, we will discuss strategies against procrastination, so you no longer delay your tasks and consistently pursue your goals.

Provider: Jörg Bergmann

Thursday, 12.12.2024
04:00 PM to 06:00 PM
International Students

Time Management

Effective time management is the key to successful studies and a stress-free daily life. Our workshop "Time Management" provides you with the essential techniques and strategies to make the most of your time and work more productively. In the workshop, you will learn proven methods such as the ALPEN method to create realistic schedules and set priorities. You will discover how to identify and eliminate so-called "time thieves" to better focus on your essential tasks. Using the Pareto Principle and the Eisenhower Principle, we will show you how to categorize tasks by their importance and urgency to work more efficiently. In addition to time management, the workshop also covers techniques to improve your study management. You will receive practical tips and tricks on how to optimally plan your study times, create a productive workspace, and maintain your motivation. Furthermore, we will discuss strategies against procrastination, so you no longer delay your tasks and consistently pursue your goals.

Provider: Jörg Bergmann